Welcome to Your Next Step Toward Success

Why Not 4 You? Dreams Do Come True

At 18, I left for the UK with 200 British pounds to start my journey full of dreams and ideas. I lived in the UK, Hungary and Slovakia, each country for 5 years. Together 15 years abroad! It took me also 15 years to build my professional career. I climbed from a Sales Representative to becoming a Business Director for Central and Eastern Europe. Today, my mission is to empower individuals and companies to harness their full potential and create their own success stories. Let me help you take the next step toward your dreams.

What I Offer

For Companies:

Transformative Training Programs tailored to boost leadership, resilience, and performance:

  • Leadership Development: Inspire and empower your teams.
  • Resilience and Change Management: Navigate challenges with confidence.
  • Sales Excellence Training: Drive results with advanced sales strategies.
  • Work-Life Balance: Create healthier, happier teams.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Build inclusive, innovative cultures.

[Learn More About Corporate Programs ]

For Individuals:

Personalized Mentoring and Growth Programs to unlock your potential:

  • Career Growth and Personal Branding: Advance your career with confidence.
  • Resilience and Confidence Building: Overcome setbacks and thrive.
  • Life Transitions and Reinvention: Navigate major life changes with clarity.
  • Visionary Goal Setting: Turn your dreams into reality.

[Explore Individual Mentoring Options ]

How I Can Help You

With over 15 years of international experience, leadership expertise, and personal transformation, I understand the challenges you face. Whether you’re striving to lead a team, grow a business, or achieve personal milestones, I provide:

  • Personalized Guidance: Tailored strategies for your unique journey.
  • Practical Tools: Actionable steps to create lasting results.
  • Inspiration and Support: Motivation to push through barriers and achieve your dreams.

[Let’s Start Your Journey ]

Success Stories

Hear from those who have transformed their lives and businesses:

“V čase zmeny pracovnej pozície som sa obrátila na Marianu s prosbou o kouching. Neskutočně mi to pomohlo nastaviť moje osobné zrkadlo, kde robím chyby, z ktorých sa treba jednoducho poučiť, ale zároveň aj vyzdvihnúť moje silné stránky, ktoré je potrebné stále zveľaďovať. Vďaka tomu som začala na sebe pracovať a neustále pracujem. Implementovala som rady do praxe, ktoré mi priniesli reálne výsledky a môj osobný rst. Odporúčam všetkými desiatimi.”
~ Miroslava Sz., Sales person Slovakia

Take the First Step Today

Your journey starts with a single step. Let’s work together to make your dreams a reality.

Get in Touch:
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+420 732 375 559

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